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De ce? / Why?

May 23, 2010

Ocupandu-ma de ultimele detalii ale expeditiei, recent, am avut mai multe intalniri cu persoane care au avut contact doar sporadic cu alpinismul sau cu alpinisti. In mod constant, si fara indoiala de inteles, intrebarea “de ce faci asta” mi-a fost pusa de fiecare data si de fiecare data am oscilat intre a zambi enigmatic sau a da un raspuns complex si ambiguu.

Cu ceva timp in urma aceeasi intrebare mi-a fost pusa si de Niels de la Valandre. Mi-a luat cateva zile sa ii raspund si intr-un final i-am trimis un mail. In esenta, raspunsul meu era: ‘nu am un raspuns insa iti pot spune o poveste reala’. Ceva mai tarziu am decis sa pun acel email si pe blog:


iar azi, un prieten mi-a trimis si o versiune vizuala a unei tentative de a aborda intrebarea:



Taking care of the last details before departure, willy-nilly, i came in contact with people with little or no previous contact with alpinism or alpinists. Without fail, constantly, the question of ‘why are you doing this’ cam up in all and every conversation. The answers varied between enigmatic smiles and convoluted ramblings.

However, not long ago, i was asked the same question by Niels of Valandre. I’ve taken a few days before replying and in the end I sent him an email, saying, basically, that I don’t  have a proper answer but that i can offer him a true story… Some time afterwards I decided to publish that email on my blog:


and today, a friend, sent me a visual attempt to tackle the same question:


  1. May 28, 2010 at 5:20 am

    If only more people could hear this..

  2. maraluc
    May 29, 2010 at 9:37 am

    este greu sa explici…si mai greu sa inteleaga cei de langa tine…Bafta !!!!

  3. May 30, 2010 at 9:42 am

    Hehe am I literally the first comment to your great post?!

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